Saturday, October 6, 2007

Coromandel: Part 3 The Walk

Our final major activity for the day was to take a walk in the woods. First we did a short walk down to a waterfall, then we did a longer walk to a kauri tree grove. The kauri tree holds a special role in New Zealand society. The tree is huge (not in height, particularly, though they grow up to 50m high, but in volume) and used to cover most of the north island. Deforestation removed many specimens, but now the tree is protected, with many of the largest specimens having names.

After our walk, we continued along the "unsealed" (dirt) road we were using to cross the peninsula (the "309") when we came across a woman with a rental car she had gotten truly stuck. A true kiwi would have put together a block and tackle from junk in the back of the car; we were able to get a mobile-phone signal to call a tow truck.

Coromandel Walk

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